Explore World Cinema: Movie Blogs that discuss Foreign Films

We've collated some of our most intriguing film review sites for you review and to learn (blog) from.Just InLeprechaunJurassic City Movie ReviewConan the BarbarianPhantasm IVStitchesCypherNature Unleashed: Volcano - Decker Shado

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Battle Star Wars Movie Review

A special review for May the 4th, we'll be looking at Battle Star (blog post) Wars! What's (blog post) that got to do with Star Wars? Well.. just (blog post) look at the ...Source: Battle Star Wars Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Jason X Movie Review

While Freddy vs Jason was in a hurry getting delayed severely at New Line Cinema, they decided to keep the franchise relevant by throwing a new entry together in a hurry. Not wanting to mess with the timeline, they set it way in the future. They still screw action movies up the timeline pretty bad regardless, even within the movie's events, (blog

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